Price list and port regulations

The price list contains all prices related to the use of infrastructure and services connected to all Ports of Trondheim. The Port Regulations describe the current terms and conditions at the Port of Trondheim.

Price list 2024

All prices can be found in our pricelist 2024. (valid from 01.01.2024)

For cruise ships please see use pricelist for cruise ships for 2024.


Our terms and conditions are available in Norwegian only, last updated on 09.01.2024.


The price list contains information on:
  • Quay dues
  • harbour dues for 2024
  • Fresh water charges
  • Electricity/shore power
  • Area leases
  • Services, including hire of personnel, machinery and other equipment
  • Waste management
  • Calculation of EPI

Port of Verdal

Vessels that want to call the Port of Verdal need to book their arrival with our local office in Verdal.

Oversiktsbilde over Verdalen havn
Photo: Trondheim Havn

Read more about conditions at Port of Verdal.

Port of Namsos

Vessels that want to call the Port of Namsos need to book their arrival with our local office in Namsos located at Sivavegen 9.

Oversiktsbilde fra Namsos havn
Photo: Trondheim Havn

Read more about conditions at the Port of Namsos.

Former price lists

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