At the port of Steinkjer, bulk cargo and general cargo for agriculture and the wood industry make up the majority of goods. Please find below an overview of available services, ISPS terminals and quays at the port of Steinkjer.
Mon. - Fri. | a.m. 07:30 - p.m.15:00 |
Port security | Tel: 74 07 54 00 |
- Marina
mArrivals Information
- Quays
- Call
- Call request
Quays in Steinkjer port
Quay-ID | Quay name/Place | Length | Depth | ISPS | Water | Crane | Shore power |
01 | Southside Quay | 330,0 | 7,0 | NOSTE-0001 | Yes | No | No |
02 | Boga Quay | 65,0 | 6,0 | NOSTE-0003 | No | No | No |
03 | Tank Quay | 15,0 | 7,0 | NOSTE-0003 | No | No | No |
Call tables
Nr | Name | Arrival | Departure | Quay | Length | Gross tons |
See all calls
Call request
Request for allocation of berth space
Requests for berths are directed to the Port of Trondheim Verdal on tel: 74 07 54 00
Vessels of 300 gross tons or more
All vessels of 300 gross tonnes or more must in addition report at the port of call via the Norwegian Coastal Administration’s port of call Safe Seanet. This includes fishing vessels, recreational vessels and historic vessels of 300 GT or more
For further information on port dues, quay and goods compensation, see port regulations.
Arrivals must be reported no later than 24 hours before ETA.