

Orkanger is Trøndelag's largest container terminals. In addition, break bulk cargo and general cargo is handled here. A shore-based spoolbase also serves the offshore industry from the port of Orkanger. Please find below an overview of available services, ISPS-terminals and quays at the port of Orkanger.

Read harbour information - Orkland for more information.
Mon. - Fri.08:00 a.m. - 15:30 p.m.
Sat. - Sun.08:00 a.m.- 15:30 p.m.
Port security Tel: +47 911 12 600


  • Shore power
  • Marina

Arrivals Information

  • Quays
  • Call
  • Call request

Quays in Orkanger port

Quay-ID Quay name/Place Length Depth ISPS Water Crane Shore power
01 Langbrua 48,0 5,0 No No No
02 Krankaia 82,0 10,0 NOORK-0001 No Yes Yes
03 Vigor Quay 85,0 10,0 NOORK-0001 No Yes No
04 Stena Quay 33,0 7,0 NOORK-0001 No Yes Yes
05 Elkem, Thamshavn 76,0 9,0 NOORK-0001 Yes Yes No

Call tables

Nr Name Arrival Departure Quay Length Gross tons
Forrige havn Neste havn Reder Maks passasjerer
See all calls

Call request

Hvem skal melde inn anløp? 

Vessels over 300 gross tons

All vessels of 300 gross tons or more must report at the port of call via the Norwegian Coastal Administration’s port of call Safe Seanet. This includes fishing vessels, recreational vessels and historic vessels of 300 GT or more.

Vessels under 300 gross tons

All vessels under 300 gross tons with a maximum length of 15 meters or more must notify their call in advance via the Port of Trondheim’s form.

Other vessels under 300 gross tons, less than 15 meters in maximum length, can apply for a guest harbor or small boat berth. Small boat berths are offered by local boat associations. See the port database for an overview.

Arrivals must be reported no later than 24 hours before ETA.

For further information on port dues, quay and goods charges.




Diversion Route at Industrihavneveien

Industrihavneveien is temporarily closed from the roundabout heading north, in connection with construction work. An alternative route is signposted, and all access to the port of Orkanger must go via Havneveien and gate A.

For access to the area, please contact Port Security on tel: +47 911 12 604 or Inge Lyng on tel: + 47 952 63 016

See map for detours

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