Contact us

Front desk

73 99 17 00

Port Security

911 12 600

Press contact

Felix Seifert

Visiting address of the main administration

Trondheim Havn IKS
Skippergata 14
7042 Trondheim

Opening hours

Mon-Fri: 8 AM - 3:30 PM

Postal address

Postboks 1234 Torgarden
N-7462 Trondheim

Do you have any questions or feedback regarding our services? Please leave us a message using the contact form below.

Visitor information for ports


Skippergata 14 | 7042 Trondheim
Tlf: + 47 73 99 17 00


Industrihavneveien 100 | 7300 Orkanger
Tlf: + 47 915 47 466


Verftsgata 38 | 7800 Namsos
Tel: +47 918 66 017


Hamneveien 8 | 7652
Tlf: 74 07 54 00

Contact information